Saturday, February 1, 2014

Baseball at Bicol Meet (circa 1900s)

Here's an excerpt from a baseball article that mentions Bicol Meet/Bicol Cup and appears in the July 2, 1913 issue of the EL PASO HERALD: "Filipinos Play Ball"

"Have Place in Schools.

Sports of some kind now have a place in every school in the islands whether it be in a provincial center or in an isolated village. The bureau of education takes official cognizance of sports and many officials give prizes. Every province has a scholastic meet where the various events are conducted just as they are in this country and under the same amateur rules. There are also interscholastic meets where a hundred or more native athletes compete, such as in the Visayan meet, the Bicol meet and those of northern and southern Luzon and Manila...

...Even the governor general or the vice governor attends the sports and cheer the young men on to victory. In fact, governor general Forbes may be considered a patron of amateur sports in the islands. He has encouraged them, not only as a crack polo player but as a consistent supporter of school athletics. For years he has been giving a complete baseball outfit to every school which organized a nine for the first time. Justice Adams C Carson offered the Bicol Cup several years ago, which is contested for by the pupils of Albay and Camarines."